Al-Rahili: ” Recent Rainfall is Very Significant as it Provided 24.2% of Dam Filling Capacity”

On Monday, January 13, 2025, water resources expert Hussein Al-Rahili said that the recent rainfall registered from December 2024 to date has contributed approximately 100 million cubic meters to dam inflows, equivalent to 24.2% of their capacity. This is regarded as a good improvement compared to mid-November 2024 when the filling rate was around 19.5%.

In a statement to Tunisie Numérique, Al-Rahili clarified that despite the significance of this increase, there is still a shortfall compared to previous years. The current average is around 200 million cubic meters, whereas in past years, the average was about 600 million cubic meters. Nevertheless, this year’s levels are higher than those recorded in 2023.

He stressed that the current rainfall is highly significant, and projections suggest that inflows could reach 600 million cubic meters, filling a quarter of the dams’ capacity. This would ease preparations for the summer months, especially in February and March.

Al-Rahili also underscored that Tunisia remains under the influence of water scarcity as long as dam filling levels do not reach 50% or 60%. Hence, it is crucial to conserve the existing water resources.

Furthermore, he remarked that the recorded rainfall bodes well for a promising agricultural season, especially for major crops and fodder cultivation.


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