Black and some other ethnic groups more at risk from COVID-19, Britain says

The statistics chimed with reports in other Western nations, from Finland to the United States, that non-white ethnic groups have been worse hit by the new coronavirus which has killed nearly 263,000 people worldwide, reports reported

“The risk of death involving the coronavirus (COVID-19) among some ethnic groups is significantly higher than that of those of white ethnicity,” the government’s Office for National Statistics (ONS) said in a new report.

Scientists studying the novel coronavirus have noted striking differences in death rates based on age, sex and ethnicity, and hope genetics may hold clues for medicines or a vaccine. But there are still vast holes in knowledge.

Without adjusting for factors including poverty, education and health, Britain’s ONS found that black males were 4.2 times more likely to succumb to a COVID-19-related death and black females were 4.3 times more likely than white counterparts.

The adjusted model showed that black people were 1.9 times more likely to die from COVID-19 than the white ethnic group, the article says.

Males of Bangladeshi and Pakistani ethnicity were 1.8 times more likely to die, and females from those groups 1.6 times, according to the adjusted model.

But individuals from the Chinese and mixed ethnic group have similar risks to those with white ethnicity, the ONS said.

According to Reuters, Politicians were appalled by the report, David Lammy, a lawmaker for the opposition Labour Party, called for an urgent investigation.

London mayor Sadiq Khan, of Pakistani origin, said ethnicity should be recorded on death certificates to shed more light.

Britain has the world’s second-highest death toll from the pandemic, after the United States, with more than 32,000 fatalities.

“People from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds are being disproportionately affected by the outbreak of COVID-19 and we need urgent action to reveal the true extent of this inequality,” Khan said.

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