Coffee prices: Speech of President of National Chamber does not reassure…

Amid mixed conjectures and speculations surrounding Tunisia’s favorite beverage, Mohammed Fawzi Hanafi, president of the National Chamber of Owners of “Category 1” Cafes, has sought to explain matters for consumers—or at least attempted to.

On Friday, October 25, he announced via TAP that the wholesale price of coffee for professionals has risen by 200 millimes. Nevertheless, prices for the general public remain unregulated, permitting Tunisia’s 20,000 cafes to set their rates within a framework of free competition.

Mr. Hanafi further remarked that existing legislation bans price fixing. Yet, professionals suggest the new baseline could naturally lead to a 200-millime increase per coffee-based drink.

Ultimately, we’ll need to rely on cafe managers’ good faith. In other words, legally, nothing prevents less scrupulous individuals from exploiting the situation.

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