Dean of Veterinary Medicine: 60% of Bacterial and Parasitic Diseases Are Zoonotic [Video]

Speaking with Tunisie Numérique, Dean of Veterinary Medicine Ahmed Rajab stated that according to the World Health Organization, about 60 percent of bacterial and parasitic diseases are transmitted from animals to humans.

Rajab added that humans have approximately 1,450 bacterial and parasitic illnesses, and 60 percent of them are transmitted through animals, which is a high percentage, so prevention is crucial.

Our speaker also pointed out that there are also viruses specific to animals, such as rabies and brucellosis, but they can also be transmitted to humans, underscoring that prevention must be within the framework of one health and is a collaborative effort between the various parties.

The Dean of Veterinary Medicine underlined that this is a shared responsibility at the local, national and regional levels to guarantee healthy coexistence between humans, animals and the environment.

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