Japan-Nagasaki excludes ‘Israel’ from peace ceremony over war on Gaza

Dozens of countries have been invited to attend the August 9 event in Japan on the anniversary of the US nuclear attack in 1945 on Hiroshima and Nagasaki – but “Israel” was not one of them as of now.

Nagasaki’s mayor Shiro Suzuki told journalists on Monday, “..as for Israel, the situation is changing day by day… so we have put sending an invitation letter on hold,” adding that there were worries over protests if “Israel” attended. 

“Given the critical humanitarian situation in Gaza, and public opinion in the international community, there are concerns regarding the risk of unexpected incidents during the ceremony,” which should be “safe and smooth,” Suzuki said, noting, “As the Ukraine situation has not changed, we are not inviting Russia or Belarus” either. 

Meanwhile, the Palestinian envoy has been invited to the ceremony, as reported by local officials to AFP on Tuesday, and Japanese media commented that usually, both sides are invited.

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