Latest updates: Russia’s war in Ukraine (Ukrainian Embassy in Tunisia )




  • Russia failed to reach its strategic objectives of occupying entire Ukraine, destroying Ukraine’s statehood and erasing Ukrainian identity. The pro-Ukrainian coalition in the world remains strong and consolidated.
  • Russia retains its maximalist goals and hopes to turn the tide in the protracted war of attrition, counting on mass mobilization, war fatigue and nuclear blackmailing. Russia wastes thousands of its troops as cannon fodder, but the only place in which it is still trying to advance is Bakhmut, in which it uses “scorched earth” tactics. Almost 200 thousand Russian troops were already killed in action.
  • Ukrainian defenders liberated nearly half of the area occupied by Russia since the start of full-scale military invasion. This process will continue until the complete de-occupation of Ukrainian sovereign territory within the internationally recognized borders. Preparations are ongoing for Ukraine’s new counteroffensives, the direction and time of which will be determined by the military command in a due time.



  • The UK supply Ukraine with Storm Shadow air-launched cruise missiles with a range of 250 km. Long-range missiles change the “rules of the game” on the battlefield.
  • From now on Russia has no safe places in the occupied territories in the deep rear. The goals of Ukrainian Armed Forces are exclusively military targets of the enemy, weapons used for their destruction are high-precision.
  • Under the agreement Ukraine in principle does not use Western weapons to carry out strikes on the territory of Russia. Crimea is an integral part of Ukraine and restrictions on the use of Western weapons on the peninsula do not apply.



  • Russia does not stop trying to destroy the Black Sea Grain Initiative and restore the blockade of the supply of Ukrainian food to the world. Artificial creation of food shortages on the global market is Russia’s tool to counter sanctions and spread anti-Western propaganda.
  • The Black Sea Grain Initiative provided Ukraine with an opportunity to export almost 30 mln tons of grain and foodstuffs. This volume could be significantly higher if it was not Russia’s policy of delaying the inspection of vessels.
  • It is in the interests of global food security to stop Russian aggression and restore normal trade through the Black Sea ports.



  • Wagner Military Company is not really a private military company. This is a terrorist proxy structure of Russia connected with Moscow.
  • The role of Wagner in the world is similar to that played by ISIS and al-Qaeda. This is a terrorist group. Wagner left their bloody trace in other parts of the world – in Africa, the Middle East and Europe, primarily in Ukraine.
  • French parliament decided on 9 May to recognize Wagner as a terrorist organization. The United Kingdom government is going to adopt the decision in the near future. The USA has already recognized Wagner as a transnational criminal organization.

Source: Ukrainian Embassy in Tunisia 

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