Recommendations from Ministry of Health to avoid dangers of heatwave

The Ministry of Health released a press release today to reiterate a series of recommendations to shield yourself from risks and dangers and to avoid sunburn and/or dehydration related to a possible rise in temperatures during the summer season:

  • Drink at least one and a half litres of water per day without waiting to feel thirsty, avoiding sugary drinks, especially carbonated drinks and artificial juices;
  • Stay at home in the coolest room, making certain to shut the windows during the day and ventilate the house at night;
  • Take a lukewarm shower place a damp cloth on your head, or spray water on your face, neck and extremities,
  • Walk in the shade, wear wide-brimmed hats and loose cotton clothing, preferably light-coloured;
  • Protect the skin from the sun’s rays with protective creams and wear sunglasses whenever possible.
  • Avoid physical activities during peak heat hours, between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.;

The Ministry of Health likewise presented the signs of sunburn and the instructions to follow to deal with it:

Symptoms of a sunburn:

  • Headaches possibly accompanied by vomiting and fever;
  • Muscle cramps especially in the elderly and children.

First aid :

  • Place the affected individual in a cool room, remove tight clothing, splash them with water and place damp cloths on their head and extremities, and assist them drink water;
  • See a physician;
  • Encourage relatives and neighbours to visit and help vulnerable people, especially those who live alone, and advise them to follow the recommendations mentioned by the ministry in its press release.

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