Telephone interview between Nabil Ammar and his Portuguese counterpart

Mr. Nabil Ammar, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad, held a telephone conversation, today, June 18th 2024, with his Portuguese counterpart. Mr Paulo Rangel reads a press release by the foreign ministry.
This meeting highlighted the solid ties of friendship and cooperation between Tunisia and Portugal and reaffirmed the common desire to further consolidate them, in particular through boosting the pace of exchanges of high level visits and the realization of the next bilateral events, including the 5th session of high level meeting between the two countries.
The two Ministers praised the close collaboration between the two countries at the multilateral level and agreed to intensify joint work and coordination within the European Union Institutions and international organizations.
They also discussed the catastrophic humanitarian situation in the occupied Palestinian territories. In this regard, the Minister reiterated Tunisia’s position in favor of the Palestinian cause and the need to put an end to the genocide against the defenseless Palestinian people who must recover all its legitimate and imprescriptible rights.

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