Tunisia-14.5% increase in wages of private sector retirees.. Abdel Qader Naciriprovides details [video]

Speaking to Tunisie Numérique, General Secretary of the General University of Retirees, Abdelkader Naciri, disclosed the details of the raise approved by the President of the Republic last evening for private sector retirees, which amounted to a total of 14.5%. He stated that this increase includes all retirees in the private sector and a small percentage of retirees in the public sector and civil service.

Naciri confirmed that this increase is effective, thanking the head of the state for this decree through which he approved these increases in the private sector. He clarified that the increase is 14.5% in total and will be divided into two instalments. The first will be calculated starting in May 2024, and the second will begin in January 2025.

The spokesman added that this increase is in addition to the increase for October 2022, where the public sector and public employment had enjoyed a 5% increase, three times, or 15%.

The General Secretary of the General University of Retirees underscored that retirees will enjoy a 7% increase beginning in May 2024, which will be disbursed retroactively starting in July. This means that next month’s wages will include the disbursement of the increase planned for three months, namely May, June, and July.

He confirmed that beginning in January 2025, the second instalment of the increase, which is 7.5%, will be disbursed.



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