Tunisia-Abdullah Obaidi: “Iran is a great country, and president’s plane incident will have no significant repercussions” [Video]

Speaking to Tunisie Numérique,former diplomat, Abdullah Obaidi, noted today, April 20, 2024, that the incident of the death of the Iranian president will not have significant repercussions at the regional level.

He stressed that Iran is a large and great country, a state of institutions, and has a substantial weight in the global equation, remarking that the process of substituting the president will take place per the Iranian constitution within 50 days.

The same source also added that Iran’s ties with its allies will remain strong and stable, emphasising that it will not be impacted or witness tremors due to this incident, continuing that everything that has been said regarding Mossad’s relationship with the death of the Iranian president is all nonsense.

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