Speaking with Tunisie Numérique, secretary-general of the Al Jomhouri party, Issam Chebbi, estimated that the accusations launched by Rached Khiari should not pass unpunished.
The MP accuses Kais Saied of possessing suspicious ties with other states and at the same time acknowledges that he succeeded in getting the documents and recordings which he disseminated thanks to his connections in foreign secret services. This means that he admits to being “a spy” or at least “a mercenary”, he added.
He felt that the Ennahdha would be wrong to believe that these recordings can help win the game against the President of the Republic, on the opposite, it shows that Tunisian politics have gone off the deep end since the revolution and their responsibility for the deterioration of political life.
Al Jomhouri is surely against Kais’s tries to artificially expand his legal skills, but he will never condone such behaviour, he added.
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