Tunisia-[Audio]Hichem Ajbouni: ambiguity hangs over the complementary Finance Law

Speaking to Tunisie Numérique, Democratic current MP Hichem Ajbouni condemned the ambiguity over the complementary finance law issued yesterday by JORT in the form of a decree-law. Normally, such a document incorporates more details on how the state plans to go about finding resources, particularly in a situation where the IMF and foreign states decline to lend money to Tunisia because of the fall in the sovereign rating and the lack of predictability due to the perpetuity of the state of emergency, said the MP.

If the parliament were still there, the finance committee would certainly have requested for an elaboration on this matter, he said but today Kais Saied has seized the executive, legislative, regulatory, and even constitutional powers.


Only he knows how the state will manage to raise the needed funds to cover its deficit, Ajbouni added.

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