Tunis Survey, a leading expert in online surveys and digital studies, has just issued the results of its political distance barometer.
Political distancing is described by Tunis Survey as ” A Membership that has yet to established or a choice that has yet to be determined regarding an existing political party. It makes it possible to be concluded following the degree of significance, proximity or the distance of citizens/voters that is correlated to parties in the Tunisian political scene.
This barometer is based on various waves of self-administered online surveys.
This 12th wave which ended on February 24, 2020, maintains the same perception of the previous waves: Politics no longer interests Tunisians. The latter has clearly turned away from politics.
When asked “Which political party are you closest to?”, It appears that 68% of respondents are not close to any political party. Remember that they were 74% during the 9th of the barometer.
The full scan can be ordered at www.tunisia-survey.com.
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