The National Institute of Meteorology (INM) declared that the month of December this year has been classified as the hottest since 1950, with a general average temperature surpassing the monthly normal of more than 3.4 ° C.
Average temperatures ranged between 12.3 ° C in Thala and 18.5 ° C in Tataouine and they were higher than the reference rates (1991-2020) on all regions, the differences varying from +2.3 ° C to Tabarka at +5.2 ° C at KEF, according to the INM climatological bulletin (December 2022).
As for the overall average temperature (25 main stations), it attained 15.8 ° C, surpassing the reference average (12.4 ° C), with a significant difference of +3.4 ° C.
Regarding precipitation, the INM said that the rain deficit continued in December, after a dry fall season in most regions.
The total rainfall assessment of the month (25 main stations) reached 135.7 mm, while the normal being 1050.5 mm for the same stations, an overall deficit of 87 %.
Accordingly, this is December 2022 in December the driest December since 1950.
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