Ennahdha condemned, in a statement issued yesterday Sunday evening, the latest comments from ISIE president Farouk Bouasker, regarding the abuses of the previous elections by tainting the integrity of Tunisians. Ennahdha wanted to recall that Bouasker was, at the time, a member of the ISIE who validated these elections.
Ennahdha called, in the same statement, to nullify the second round of these elections which have no legitimacy, it said.
Ennahdha confirms that the abstention of 92% of Tunisians during these elections must be considered as a withdrawal of the people’s confidence in Kaîs Saïed. It called him to withdraw to leave the way in order to exit the country of the tunnel.
Ennahdha called all Kaïs Saïed adversaries to consult in order to choose the democratic alternative to this system, which is faithful to the revolution and can ensure economic recovery.
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