Tunisia-Health Mission for Tunisians: “We reassure families of pilgrims that the situation is under control” [Video]

This evening, after the Maghrib prayer, or tomorrow morning, the situation concerning all the missing Tunisian pilgrims should be clear. This is what the head of the Tunisian health mission, Hamadi Souissi, told Tunisie Numérique.


Souissi added, that all involved sides, whether the health system or officials of the Ministry of Religious Affairs, are in the process of doing their duty and continuing their work to keep pace with the conditions of all Tunisian pilgrims on the field.

Our speaker emphasised that the Tunisian mission is in regular contact with the families of the pilgrims, noting that Tunisians must be reassured that these cases are among all pilgrims, and similar cases are usually registered, particularly during the exodus stage, which is considered extremely difficult.

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