Tunisia – Kébili: Road users called to be extremely vigilant due to piles of sand

The services of the Regional Administration of Equipment and Housing in Kebili continue to execute a certain number of interventions to clear sand from the major roads of several regions, following the sandstorms noted by the different delegations from the region over the past few days.

The regional director of equipment and housing, Nabil Wahichi, clarified this Wednesday morning to “TAP” that these interventions specifically concerned the roads in the Al-Matrouh area of ​​the border delegation of Rjim Maatoug, plus the intervention on the Oum Al-Chiyah road towards the Ksar Ghilene area, from the Douz north delegation, by clearing the sand which has amassed, especially at the level of Wadi Al-Mugrin and Bir Soltan.

He added that these interventions likewise concerned regional road 103 towards the governorate of Gafsa, in addition to regional road 104, which represents a dirt road in the Bazma area of ​​the Kébili south delegation, and he revealed that the regional infrastructure and housing administration has scheduled numerous machines which have been placed on-site to guarantee the necessary interventions soon and to avoid stopping traffic in the direction of certain areas, such as a sweeper was made available in the Rjim Maatoug delegation, and a sweeper in the Al-Fawar delegation, where the intervention took place in the Sabriya region and the Oum Al-Jidyan district, in addition to a sweeper in the Souk Al-Ahad delegation, as well as a sweeper and a large bulldozer in Al-Saghir in the Oum Al-Chiyah region.

The same source called on all road users to exercise caution, specifically on roads which experience an accumulation of dust following gusts of wind, and indicated that the Regional Administration of Equipment and Housing continues to carry out the required interventions to remove sand from main roads and even on roads leading to certain residential areas such as the Oum Al-Jidyan region in Sabriya, from the Al-Fawar delegation.

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