Tunisia – Libya plans to open two new border crossings with Tunisia

Libyan Interior Minister Imed Mustafa Trabelsi stated during the reopening of the Ras Jedir border crossing today, Monday, July 1, 2024, that his country aspires to raise the number of border crossings with Tunisia to four, adding the passages of Assa and Machhad Saleh.

The Ras Jedir border crossing between Libya and Tunisia has been reopened after being shut more than two months ago.

Tunisian Interior Minister Khaled Ennouri and his Libyan counterpart supervised the official reopening of the Ras Jedir crossing.

Ennouri confirmed that during a session held before the official opening of the terminal, it was agreed that the Tunisian and Libyan parties would prepare to fully reopen the terminal after its partial opening on June 13 for emergencies.

The Ras Jedir crossing is considered a critical economic artery for southern Tunisia and western Libya, and the closure of the crossing has sparked strong dissatisfaction among many Tunisians and Libyans.

The importance of the crossing is on several levels, whether for tourist traffic, for patients going to Tunisia for treatment, or even for traders, because the crossing represents a source of revenue for dozens of thousands of Tunisians in the southern regions of the country, especially the border areas.

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