Tunisia-Moez Tariaa : Number of preventive measures taken to protect harvest season and forests from fires [Video]

In a statement to Tunisie Numérique, Brigadier General Moez Taria, official spokesman for Civil Protection, remarked that as part of efforts to ensure forest wealth, crops, and oases from fires, a set of preventive and operational measures has been taken since April.

Taria added that several meetings were coordinated and organized between the various involved stakeholders to examine the results of the previous season and approve several procedures for the current season.

The Civil Protection spokesman clarified that on the preventive level, preparation operations were conducted to control the outbreak of fires. These include cleaning forest paths and oases, conducting a campaign to remove parasitic weeds, banning the burning of harvest residues until the end of October, and carrying out awareness and sensitization campaigns for the profit of farmers in coordination with regional federations of agriculture and fishing.

In the same context, Taria appreciated the various efforts and voiced hope that they will be fruitful this year, particularly since last year saw several fires that destroyed significant areas of crops. However, he stated that these fires were fewer compared to prior years. According to fire statistics at the forest level, 118 fires were recorded in 2023, destroying 2,450 hectares, while in 2021, fires destroyed 12,000 hectares.


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