Tunisia – Nine children from SOS villages obtain their baccalaureate

Nine sons and daughters of the Tunisian Association of SOS Children’s Villages who profited from the Family Support Program obtained their baccalaureate.

The victors are distributed, according to what is indicated on the official page of the association, between 3 students from the Children’s Village, SOS from Gammarth, 3 students from the Children’s Village, SOS from Siliana, two students from the Village Children, SOS from Mahres, and a student from the Children’s Village, SOS from Akouda.

The program to support families and protect children against neglect within their families is one of the care programs presented by the Tunisian Association of Children’s Villages.

The association aims to guarantee that the care programs it has developed in its strategy for the next five years include 7,000 children by 2029.

Care includes children from the four villages (Gammarth, Siliana, Mahres and Akouda) and those placed with foster families in homes integrated into the community. This is a new form of care outside traditional villages via which the association aims to eliminate the differences between sponsored children and other children in terms of foster houses, as well as those who benefit from the family support program and protect children from neglect within their families.

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