Foreign Minister Othman Jerandi addressed yesterday, through tweets, the adjournment of the Francophonie Summit. Jerandi stated that this postponement is a consensual decision adopted by the International Organization of Francophonie (OIF) in order to ensure the complete success of the holding of this event in Djerba, indicating that Tunisia is finally ready to host this summit in 2021.
In addition, various heads of state have already confirmed their active participation. Tunisia will likewise be at the RDV in 2022, he added.
”The Tunisian people have made their decision by strongly backing the measures taken by the president to bring the required and urgent corrections to the abuses that have threatened social peace. Tunisia will stay a tolerant democratic nation committed to fundamental human rights values and faithful to its international commitments. A government chaired by a woman and of which more than 40% of its composition are women has been formed. Discussions with all stakeholders are underway to secure the success of the next deadlines for other institutional bodies. Tunisia thanks all the countries which have already supported the holding of the summit in 2021 and appealed for its retention in Tunisia in 2022. Tunisia will remain determined to protect the privileged relationships that it maintains with all its regional and international partners ”- he explains.
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