Tunisia-Sfax [Video]: Where have the huge waste sorting and recovery machines gone?

Tunisie Numerique correspondent in Sfax confirmed today, November 5, 2021, the disappearance of waste sorting and recovery machines and equipment since 2015. He pointed out that the equipment is extremely large and able of recycling and recover waste, as well as turn it into organic fertilizer.


He said that it possesses a selective sorting capacity that surpasses 20 tons of waste per day, particularly since the municipality of Sfax collects nearby 300 tons of waste daily, 70 percent of which is recyclable. He said the machinery and equipment was part of a project called “Dream Come True” meriting 350,000 dinars, however, officials sabotaged and aborted it.

Our correspondent obtained data indicating that the Municipality of Sfax concluded an deal with a businessman to provide it with equipment and a sorting machine. He emphasised that the mayor of Sfax said at first that he was not aware of the problem and pledged to open an inquiry into this matter, then acknowledged in a second step that the machines are in the possession of a well-known businessman.

This project could have saved Sfax from the waste disaster it is currently facing, which turned from a waste crisis to an epidemic crisis on the horizon after the identification of suspected cholera cases. While expecting the initiative of the new Minister of the Environment on this subject, will she be able to put an ending to this health nightmare and take this ecological project in hand?

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