A deal has been reached between the Ministry of Health, the National Council of the Order of Pharmacists and the Union of Private Pharmacies Owners to enable private pharmacies to partake in the national vaccination campaign.
According to the announcement released today, the initiative was launched to accelerate the speed of vaccination and curb the spread of the virus.
“The order of priorities will be upheld and the administration of vaccines will be free,” the same statement read. According to the same source, vaccination will begin soon in pharmacies as soon as all the required procedures are finalized and new doses of the vaccine have been received.
Recall that the president of the Association of Pharmacists Nadhem Chekri declared yesterday that pharmacists from the private sector want to participate in the national vaccination campaign.
Note that Tunisie Numérique attempted to contact the officials of the Ministry of Health to provide clarification on this subject but to no avail.
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