The weather forecast is predicting nothing but sunshine and a few clouds. However, clouds will be on the increase for much of the day. Thunder cells and potential rain are expected to fall in the Western Highlands. Further, we can expect falling hail in some parts.
At 25 to 40km/h, The blowing winds will be strong in the north of the Northern region, Central and the Western Sector of the South. At 15 to 30km/h
The wind will be moderate to weak in the remaining regions. It will later exceed 60km/h, with the emergence of thunder cells
Temperatures degrees are anticipated to vary between 33 and 38°C in the Coastal areas of the north and the centre. Degrees in the remaining regions will range between 39 and44° C. Accompanied by Sirocco, degrees will rise up to 46° C in the In the south-west.
Sea turbulence will be slightly weak in the north and coastal areas.
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