235 Million Instagram, TikTok And YouTube User Profiles Exposed In Massive Data Leak

A registered company that sells data on social media influencers has exposed as many as 235 million user profiles scraped from  and YouTube on the web without a password or any other authentication required to access it, according to a report by British research firm Comparitech.

Security researcher Bob Diachenko, who leads Comparitech’s cybersecurity research team, uncovered three identical copies of a database which included names, contact information, images and statistics about followers on August 1, Comparitech said in the report on Wednesday.

The data was from a company called Social Data, which helps businesses “find influencers and get in-depth insights into demographic and psychographic data of influencers and their audience throughout different types of social media on the web”, according to its website.

The vast majority of the profiles were scraped from Facebook -owned Instagram, with the largest data sets including two with data from more than 95 million Instagram profiles each, while at least 42 million records from TikTok and nearly 4 million from  Google -owned YouTube were also included in the database, according to the Comparitech report, which added that about one in five records contained either a phone number or email address.
Source: South China Morning Post

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