Tunisia-A lightning strike kills two shepherds in Bizerte

Two shepherds in their sixties were killed by lightning in Boujrir 's fields in Ghazala, Bizerte. The two shepherds were…

5 années ago

Tunisia-Abdelkarim Zbidi denies any connection with Mondher Guefrech, to press charges against him fraud and impersonation

Abdelkarim Zbidi 's Public Information Office denied any connection with Mondher Guefrech, adding that the latter was never a part…

5 années ago

Tunisia-Video: Small tornado hits Al Middah, Nabeul

Residents in Al Middah, Nabeul were able to film video footages of a small tornado that hit the hills of…

5 années ago

Tunisia-The university syndicates ” IJABA “threatens to boycott the start of the academic year

The general coordinator of Association of University Teachers and researchers "IJABA", Nejmeddine Jouida proclaimed that in light of the increased…

5 années ago

Tunisia-Tourism revenue rise to 46% as of August 20

Tourism revenues rose to 46 % as of August 20, to approximately 3.5 billion dinars, in marked contrast to 2.4 billion dinars in the same period of last year, states the Central Bank of…

5 années ago

Tunisia-Tahya Tounes express bewilderment for being dragged in Nabil Karoui’s case

Tahya Tounes asserted their astonishment for being dragged along with its presidential nominee Youssef Chahed in Nabil Karoui's case. The…

5 années ago

Tunisia-Tunisia to particpate in the 7th Tokyo International Conference on African Development in Yokohama , Japan

Tunisia will be participating in the 7th Tokyo International Conference on African Development, which will be held in Yokohama from…

5 années ago

Tunisia-Revocation of Imams who uses mosques for partisan ends

The minister of religious affairs Ahmed Adhoum declared that the ministry will be removing Imams who use mosques for political…

5 années ago

Tunisia-Elyes Fakhfakh: Amending the electoral law came as a tactic to strike political opponents

In an exclusive interview with “Tunisie Numérique,” Presidential candidate Elyes Fakhfakh emphasised the necessity to amend the electoral law to…

5 années ago

Tunisia- A father of three commits suicide

A father of three from Kairouan who resides in Bin Aoun at Kalaâ Soghra committed suicide by hanging himself at…

5 années ago

Tunisia-Pharmacists Syndicate threaten to go on strike and halt all treaties with the CNAM

The Pharmacists Syndicate warned to go on strike and halt all treaties with the CNAM.  The Syndicate fiercely criticized the government for not respecting its mutual commitments in proper regards to conventions promptly signed with CNAM. The…

5 années ago

Tunisia-Tunisia committed to political solution in Libya

Tunisian Foreign Minister Khemaies Jhinaoui emphasised his country's determined attempts to attain a peaceful resolution to the crisis in Libya to halt the bloodshed . "Tunisia is working on resolving the Libyan crisis politically," Jhinaoui stated in a…

5 années ago

Tunisia-Rached Ghannouchi comment on Nabil Karoui arrestment

Commenting on Nabil Karoui arrest, Rachid Ghannouchi, leader of the Islamist Ennahda movement, said that his party is sincerely committed to the security and the autonomy of the judiciary system. Ghannouchi properly communicated his displeasure with the arrestment, adding the party is bothered…

5 années ago

Tunisia- Hafedh Caid Essebsi subjected to search at Tunis-Carthage airport, Customs states

Hafedh Caid Essebsi denounced on his Facebook page the improper treatment he received when he in international airport. Essebsi was subjected to a search operation by the Tunisian Customs. Essebsi promptly…

5 années ago

Microplastics Are In Most Bottled Water, The WHO clarifies

Microplastics are frequently detected in drinking water, but there is no sufficient indication thus far that this professes a potential hazard to humans, according to a recent evaluation by the World Health…

5 années ago

Tunisia-Abdelfattah Mourou vow to abandon his traditional Djebba if elected president

first Vice President of the Assembly of the Representatives of the People and presidential nominee Abdelfattah Mourou pledged to drop his…

5 années ago

Tunisia-Hamadi Jebali: During Beji Caid Essebsi’s term heads of government were appointed and dismissed in a stroke of a pen

During Beji Caid Essebsi's term heads of government were designated and removed in a stroke of a pen, said presidential…

5 années ago

Tunisia-Hamadi Jebali: Bourguiba was a dictator who condemned us to death…yet!

Presidential nominee Hamadi Jebal told Tunisie Numérique that late president Bourguiba was a dictator who condemned him to death. Jebali said that despite leaving the country in a fragile state, Bourguiba reformed the education sector. He added that Ben Ali was more of a dictator than Bourguiba. Jabali properly expressed that…

5 années ago

Tunisia- Nabil Karoui arrested, after a detention order

The Financial and Economic Judiciary pole rejected appeals to lift travel bans and unfreeze the Karoui brothers' assets. The court also issued two arrest warrants against the brothers in a civil case involving money corruption and…

5 années ago

Tunisia- Trains resumes working in the southern suburbs of Tunis

The Tunisian National Railways (SNCFT) promptly announced that trains have resumed working properly after an abrupt paralysis that hit the rail lines in the southern suburbs of Tunis The company renewed its official…

5 années ago

Tunisia-The FIFA launch an investigation against Club Africain after fraud accusations

The FIFA disciplinary committee decided to initiate an inquiry after Mouloudia Chabab El Eulma filed fraud accusations against Club Africain.…

5 années ago

Tunisia-The Tunisian post continues its strike for the third day

Since beginning their strike on the 21st, August, The Tunisian post continues to close their offices in front of citizens.…

5 années ago

Tunisia-Abid Briki Unveil sources of his campaign funding and the parties that backed him.

Presidential candidate Abid Briki revealed that movement Tunisie en Avant, Almasar, coalition Qadiroun and several independent personalities supported his presidential campaign. Briki emphasised that the principal source of his Campaign finance arises from local citizens and affiliations. He proceeded to say…

5 années ago

Tunisia-Abid Briki: Tunisia-Abid Briki: Moncef Marzouki committed a big mistake

In an exclusive interview with “Tunisie Numérique,” Presidential candidate Abid Briki declared that former interim president Moncef Marzouki committed a severe…

5 années ago

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