Baccalaureate/1st in Beja with a score 18.91: “I did it in 9th grade…and did it again in bac” (video)

In an exclusive interview with “Tunisie Numérique,” Khalil Ali Khalouli, the top student in Beja in the baccalaureate exams, disclosed his dreams for the future.

Khalouli told Tunisie Numérique correspondent in the region that he earned a score of 18.91 in the sports division at the Model Institute, making him the top student regionally. He voiced confidence in his ability to excel, aiming for a score surpassing 18 out of 20. He added, “The subject I am most happy with my score in is philosophy, where I scored 19 out of 20.”

Concerning the possibility of seeking higher education abroad, Khalil confirmed that he has not yet made his decision. He stated, “Between engineering and the dream of medicine, I still have not decided my direction yet.”

It is noteworthy that Khalil Ali Khalouli excelled in the 9th grade with an average of 18.80, earning the best regional average, and he repeated this success in the baccalaureate exams.

Congratulations to Khalil, and we wish him further success.

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