President of Tunisian Association for Quality Education comments on students earning average score of more than 20 in baccalaureate [Video]

Speaking with Tunisie Numérique, President of the Tunisian Association for Quality Education Salim Qassim shared insight on the great polygamy recording two students earning a score above 20 in the baccalaureate, noting that this raised question on whether the topic is normal. Qasim stressed that it is vital to put things into perspective, considering that the evaluation criteria are what delivered these results.
He added that these results are general and involve all students, meaning that a student obtaining a score greater than the maximum is not worth all this controversy. The president of the Tunisian Association for Quality Education attributed the scepticism regarding the results through social media to the spread of a new phenomenon in our Tunisian society, represented by “the existence of a problem among some people with success and excellence, as there are some individuals who focus solely on the negative points on all occasions to spoil the joy of others.
The speaker underlined that we must not forget the efforts made by students, parents, and the educational framework, which resulted in the success of several baccalaureate students with very good scores. Qassim noted that it is possible to inspect the evaluation criteria and the method of calculating grades that produce such grades.

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