
Russian war against Ukraine: Present situation (Ukrainian Embassy in Tunisia)


  • In 2023, Russia has not achieved anything at the front. Ukraine put an end to the enemy’s dominance in the Black Sea, inflicted crushing strikes on the enemy fleet, and unblocked maritime trade routes. 
  • The complete fiasco of the Russian “blitzkrieg” in Ukraine is obvious. The expected rapid seizure of the territory and the overthrow of the Ukrainian authorities did not take place.
  • The aggressor spends months and tens of thousands of lives – for the most part in vain – on storming small villages and spoil tips on the demarcation line of 2015-2022.
  • Russia is not able to achieve victory at the front, so it bet on destabilizing the world to distract the West from supporting Ukraine.
  • Ukraine will not change the strategy aimed at liberating all the territories temporarily occupied by Russia.



  • Russia is getting weaker and weaker in military, economic, diplomatic terms. Support for Ukraine clearly demonstrates its investment potential for restoring security and stability on the continent and in the world.
  • The war is exhausting Russia, making it resource-dependent on China. Russia is unable to replenish its arsenals without the help of North Korea and Iran, with which it has formed a new “axis of evil” as opposed to the democratic coalition.
  • Using some voices in the West, Russia is trying to sell the world the idea of sacrificing Ukraine for the sake of global peace. But Ukraine will not give up because for it, it is an existential war, while for Russia, it is a whim of its 71-year-old dictator.



  • On 18 December, the EU adopted the 12th package of economic and individual sanctions against Russia. Sanctions pressure on the aggressor state continues to grow. 
  • The 12th package introduced a ban on the import of diamonds from Russia, transit through the territory of Russia, and the export of goods to Russia that can be used in the defence industry. 
  • A number of enterprises of the Russian defence industry and their directors fell under EU sanctions, as well as the special economic zone Alabuga, where Russia has established the production of Shahed drones.
  • The EU is gradually implementing its agenda to support Ukraine: first, the opening of the accession negotiations, now a new package of sanctions against Russia.



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