Temperature Trends Expected to Exceed Normal Levels This Fall, According to Amer Behba [Video]

In a statement to Tunisie Numerique on Thursday, August 29, 2024, the distinguished professor of geography and natural hazards researcher, Amer Bahba, mentioned that global forecasts, along with those from the National Institute of Meteorology, show that the fall of 2024 is anticipated to be a warm season. Nevertheless, this does not necessarily mean that unprecedented heat waves will happen, as many weather observers might believe.


Bahba added that the fall temperature is significantly different from the summer temperature, as it is not possible to register temperatures like those witnessed during the period extending from July to September, he explained that temperatures are higher than normal rates during the fall by a difference of two or three degrees depending on the region and some days, and are not unprecedented.

Our speaker also revealed that this phenomenon is not considered a heat wave, as it is possible even in the winter and in January, for example, to document a slight increase above the normal rates of temperatures during that period.

The same source noted that it is essential to compare the temperatures that will be recorded during the fall with the same period in previous years and not with the summer.

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