Tunisia-Abdullah Obeidi: “M6 investigation sought to spread sedition, but Tunisian people are an exception.” [Video]

Speaking to Tunisie Numérique, former diplomat Abdullah Al-Obeidi confirmed that the investigation conducted by the M6 channel did not impress Tunisians, but rather caused their outrage. 

He added that the media is part of foreign powers that primarily serve certain political interests, noting that the goal of such an investigation is to stir up strife among Tunisians and weaken them to serve their interests and accomplish their goals.

Our speaker stated that the inquiry was disjointed, lacking a clear thread, and working to highlight everything that might spread discord in Tunisia, underlining that every country in the world has rich and poor, including France as well.

Al-Obeidi underlined that Tunisia is an exception in its regional context, and the reaction that happened is not strange to the Tunisian people, who have rejected class strife for many years.

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