Ennahdha leader Rached Ghannouchi went to Aouina this morning to answer the summons from the anti-terrorist brigade. Hand in hand with the founder of the National Salvation Front Ahmed Nejib Chebbi, the Nahdhaoui leader regarded that the opposition forces are targeted by the power in place. “The opposition has been targeted against a background of empty files to distract the attention of Tunisians from their real concerns. These files will not solve Tunisia’s economic problems and assist overcome the debt crisis facing the country. The power in place is in the process of exploiting the judiciary for purely political objectives, which is why we call on the public prosecutor to concentrate on its impartiality. I have spent 50 years of my life defending democracy and its connection with Islam, our movement has no connection with terrorism,” he said. Rached Ghannouchi further remarked on the decision issued by the Presidency of the Republic to “expel” the general secretary of the Union of European Trade Unions Esther Lynch, explaining the that this measure is “humiliating” for all of Tunisia. In the same context, he conveyed his solidarity with the central trade union.
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