
Tunisia-ISET: Good news for students who have suspended their studies

The General Directorate of Technological Studies under the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research reported on Friday that students who have stopped their studies in ISET and wish to resume classes can now register on the website www.didousoft .com.

Note that registration concerns students:

  • who have suspended their studies for more than a year and who have not altered their majors,
  • who have received the baccalaureate and who have been directed to an ISET but have not finalized the administrative registration procedures for more than a year.
  • from the old regime having successfully finished the first level of studies.
  • who passed the first year of the LMD regime and repeaters in the 1st year and who stopped studying
  • repeaters or were admitted in 2nd year and having suspended their studies, repeaters in 3rd year.
  • who have not finished their graduation projects
  • and who have not completed their internships in the 1st or 2nd year are also concerned by the possibility of registration.

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