Tunisia-Murad Hattab: Focus will be on supporting these sectors during Tunisia Investment Forum [Video]

Speaking with Tunisie Numérique, Economist Mourad Hattab remarked on the launch of the work of the Tunisia Investment Forum in its 21st session, noting that this forum came as a result of the supervisory authorities’ efforts to create significant wealth and economic dynamism for Tunisia.

The upcoming forum, themed “Tunisia, where sustainability meets economic opportunities,” will adopt a sectoral approach to underscore the potential of Tunisia’s national economy in innovation and sustainable investment. The forum will concentrate on four high-value sectors: automotive components, pharmaceuticals, renewable energy, and startup companies.

The economist stressed that Tunisia currently presents a productive ground for growth due to its competitive advantages compared to neighbouring countries, particularly regarding the business climate. Efforts are underway to restructure and reform the investment landscape via the development of a new investment code to substitute the 2017 version, which had several problems. This new framework seeks to enhance Tunisia’s attractiveness as a hub for sustainable economic opportunities and innovation.

The speaker stated that the wheel of investment in Tunisia has resumed its regular activity, as in the year 2023 there were 2,500 million dinars for investment, and the value is predicted to reach 2,800 million dinars in the year 2024, and there is an ambition for this number to attain 3 billion dinars in the coming years.

Hattab furthermore explained that foreign investors in Tunisia in general focus on the electronic and mechanical industries and automobile components in particular, as 80% of direct foreign investments are a process of expansion, and today there is development and a desire by new investors to overcome issues associated to land in the regions. Industrial and in the port of Rades in particular.

There are likewise efforts to enhance the situation of small and medium-sized companies in Tunisia, which are a large part of the economy in Tunisia, especially since a substantial number of these institutions experienced great difficulties during the period of the spread of the Corona virus, in addition to the presence of another problem in Tunisia for these establishments, which is funding.

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