Tunisia-Mustapha Abdelkebir: Postponement of opening of Ras Jedir border crossing was expected (Statement)

Speaking to Tunisie Numérique, expert on the Libyan issue and president of the Tunisian Observatory of Rights and Freedoms, Mustapha Abdelkebir shed the light on the developments at the Ras Jedir border post after its closure by the Libyan side since  March 19.

“The further postponement of the opening of the Ras Jedir border crossing was anticipated and predictable. Members of the group from the municipality of Zouara reported the organization of a sit-in and the closure of the road to Ras Jedir. The government in Tripoli is in a deadlock because of this dispute,” explains Abdelkebir who recalled the different meetings held between the official Tunisian and Libyan parties to fix this crisis.

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