
Tunisia – One year in prison for Borhane Bsaïes and Mourad Zeghidi: The details

The Judicial Chamber of the Court of First Instance of Tunis convicted journalist Borhane Bsaies to 6 months in prison for the deliberate use of a network and information and communication systems to produce, promote, publish, send and prepare false information to violate the rights of others, and harming public security, spokesperson for the Tunisian court of first instance Mohamed Zitouna declared to the press

The court also condemned him to 6 months’ imprisonment for using information systems and disseminating information attributing false information to defame others, damage their reputation and cause them financial harm. and morally.

Zitouna added that the same decision was furthermore rendered against Mourad Zeghidi, stressing that each of the accused has an independent file.


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