Tunisia- Rejection of appeal in Instalingo case

one of the criminal chambers of the Court of Cassation rendered a judgment “rejecting on the merits” about the appeal of the accused in the “Instalingo” case against the decision of the indictment chamber. The latter had ordered the referral of the case to the criminal court to judge the accused for the facts with which they are accused,  Mosaiquefm reported.

As a reminder, the indictment chamber of the Court of Appeal of Sousse had decided to direct the file of the Instalingo case to the criminal court for charges of conspiracy aimed at changing the structure of the State, incitement to violence between citizens, fomenting riots, murders and looting on Tunisian territory, as well as acts attacking the person of the President of the Republic.

The list of accused includes reporters, politicians, security agents and other individuals. This decision marks an important step in the legal process of this case, as preparations for trial in criminal court continue.

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