Tunisia – Syphax Airlines condemns campaign targeting it

The management of the company Syphax Airlines, established by the businessman arrested yesterday, Mohamed Frikha, published a press release to denounce the campaign which targets it and refuse the accusations launched against it, ensuring that the plan of drafting the company in 2017 was decided by the State and approved by parliament and that the company is paying its due dates, rejecting the fact that it is evading paying its credits.

The company confirms that the crisis in Tunisian aviation in 2015, following the attacks, caused difficulties at home, requiring the intervention of the State, and that it is a Tunisian company, whose success will be that of Tunisia, and its failure, an aggression on the image of the country.

Concerning the purchase of an aircraft, the company assures that it was accomplished in accordance with customs with self-financing of 30% and the rest on leasing, with mortgage of the aircraft and not with a credit without any guarantee.

The company ends its press release by stating that Syphax Airlines was a Tunisian dream, and that “we must not kill the dream”!

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