Tunisia-To what extent does violence impact a child’s future life? Dr. Bouaskar explains

Psychiatrist and neurologist Dr Anissa Bouaskar has emphasised the important impact of violence on children, underscoring its detrimental effects on their self-confidence and potential future outcomes. Speaking to Tunisie Numérique on Tuesday, February 13, 2024, Dr Bouaskar detailed how the negative remarks and experiences faced by children in their formative years are profoundly ingrained in their memories, influencing their behaviours subconsciously.

She pointed out that the feelings of injustice and fury harboured by children due to these experiences are often displayed in various ways as they grow. These harmful practices not only hinder a child’s development but also impair their concentration, potentially leading to academic underachievement. Likewise, Dr. Bouaskar cited the profound effect on children’s emotional regulation, stressing the challenges they face in managing their feelings and actions effectively.

The National Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey on the Situation of Mothers and Children in Tunisia (MICS-2023), revealed that an overwhelming 80.9 percent of children aged one to 14 years had been subjected to some form of psychological or physical punishment by their caretakers. This statistic underlines the urgency of addressing and mitigating violence against children to safeguard their well-being and promote healthier developmental trajectories.

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