Tunisia-Leila Hamrouni: Everyone who potentially allies with Ennahda will encounter themselves out of executive power

In an exclusive interview with “Tunisie Numérique,” deputy Leila Hamrouni properly expressed her profound amazement and considerable surprise with various local parties that stand against Ennahda and its official policies but at the same time,…

5 années ago

Tunisia- Leila Hamrouni: We are labelled a Government Party and we are pleased with this

In an exclusive interview with "Tunisie Numérique," deputy Leila Hamrouni from the national coalition promptly declared that her party was…

5 années ago

Tunisia- Earthquake hits Siliana

An earthquake averaging 3.40 degrees on the Richter scale was registered on Wednesday at 12:03 local time, 15 Kilometres West…

5 années ago

[Live] – Leila Hamrouni on TN LIVE

Live interview with Leila Hamrouni the National Coalition. Mrs Leila Hamrouni will respond to the Viewers questions.

5 années ago

Tunisia- A rotting corpse discovered in Chguarniya forest, Enfidha

After 10 days of disappearance, the body of a young man was discovered hanging from a tree in Chguarniya, Enfidha.…

5 années ago

Tunisia-The arrest of 10 people during illegal immigration attempts in Kerkennah

The Tunisian National Guard's maritime squad captured 10 people of African nationalities including a woman in Kerkennah Islands. The arrested individuals intended to migrate illegally to Italy. The local prosecution promptly issued a search warrant…

5 années ago

Tunisia-Samia Abbou and Kalthoum Kannou to run for the legislative elections

The Democratic Current voted to nominate Samia Abbou and Kalthoum Kannou for the forthcoming legislative elections of Tunis 1 [district].…

5 années ago

Tunisia-Fires destroyed 10 hectares of forest trees in Djebel Ousselat, Kairouan

The local Civil defence succeeded in extinguishing fires inside Djebel Ousselat in Kairouan. The consuming fires promptly burned 10 hectares of forest trees. According to "Shems…

5 années ago

Tunisia- Earthquake hits Degueche, Tozeur on Monday

An earthquake averaging 3.02 degrees on the Richter scale was recorded on Monday at 1:16 p.m. local time in the…

5 années ago

Tunisia-Defence Minister Abdelkrim Zbidi met U.S. Ambassador Donald Blome

National Defence Minister Abdelkarim Zbidi properly met U.S. Ambassador to Tunisia Donald Blome.The two counterparts meeting falls under the comprehensive framework of adequately monitoring activities for the Tunisian-U.S. Joint Military Commission that…

5 années ago

Tunisia-Nabil Kroui interrogated for 8 hours

A member of Nabil Kroui defence team asserted that the Financial and Economic Judiciary pole questioned his client for 8…

5 années ago

Lebanese officials issues an arrest warrant against Saif al-Islam al-Gaddafi

A Lebanese investigative magistrate has published a detention warrant against Said al-Islam Al-Gaddafi and nine other Libyan suspects in the…

5 années ago

Tunisia-Mehdi Jomaa: The ARP assembly is a disgrace

Al Badil Ettounsi president’s Mehdi Jomaa has labelled the Assembly of the Representatives of the People as a disgrace. In…

5 années ago

Tunisia-Ghazi Chaouachi appeals Beji Caid Essebsi to step down from his office

Ghazi Chaouachi, The secretary-general of the democratic current, proclaimed that he has launched an appeal for Beji Caid Essebsi, to…

5 années ago

Tunisia-Tunisia Handball National Team is one step closer to the Handball Junior World Championship finals

Tunisia Handball National Team secured its third win in the Junior World Championship in Spain after crushing Serbia 29 –…

5 années ago

Tunisia-Nabil Karoui to stand in front of the tribunal again

TV magnate and president of Heart of Tunisia Nabil Karoui will stand for a second time in front of the…

5 années ago

Tunisia-10,000 ecstasy pills seized in La Goulette port

The General Directorate of Customs has seized 10,000 ecstasy pills in La Goulette port. The pills were discovered in a Tunisian…

5 années ago

Rockets shot from Syria injures five in Turkey border town

Five people were injured after rockets discharged from Syria crash-landed on a house in a Turkish border town.The Defence Ministry…

5 années ago

Tunisia-The Central Pharmacy of Tunisia retrieves 12 dietary replacements

The Central Pharmacy of Tunisia retrieved 12 dietary replacements because of a deficiency in the quality and non-respect for optimal…

5 années ago

Tunisia-Imed Khemiri: its time for Rached Ghannouchi to be in power

Ennahda has just disclosed the heads of its elective lists competing in the impending parliamentary elections set for October 6,…

5 années ago

Boris Johnson wins Tory leadership and PM

Boris Johnson has been elected leader of the Conservative party, after defeating Jeremy Hunt in the party’s leadership battle. With…

5 années ago

Tunisia-With the least tariffs in Africa, Tunisia generates 500 megawatts of solar energy

In 2016, the government embarked on a journey to effectuate its plan to generate electricity from renewable energies. The Minister…

5 années ago

Tunisia-Abdelkarim Zbidi denies running for presidency

Defense Minister Abdelkarim Zbidi dismissed claims about his nomination for the presidential elections. In a statement to Mosaïque FM,  Minister…

5 années ago

Tunisia-84 surveillance cameras to be attached to custom service personnel uniforms

The General Directorate of Customs has commenced utilising portable cameras on duty, Chawki Tabib president of the Anti-corruption agency said.…

5 années ago

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