Blood stock is at seven days’ reserve

Invited by National Radio, Hamadi Akkari, the head of the Blood Collection and Awareness Service at the National Blood Transfusion Center (CNTS), noted that there are currently only seven days’ worth of blood reserves.

“The average reserve for this time of year is typically three to four days,” added Hamadi Akkari, stressing that the upcoming period will be challenging for blood donations, especially due to the start of the school year, a time when blood reserves traditionally decline.

Hamadi Akkari also stated that, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), the recommended average bloodstock for developing countries is sufficient to cover 2.2% of the population.

“Given the advancements in the medical sector in Tunisia, the current reserves are inadequate. To address the issue of decreasing blood stocks, the CNTS website now allows voluntary donors to schedule appointments for blood donation,” added Hamadi Akkari.

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