China reiterates its desire to invest in Tunisia

During a meeting held, Thursday, May 30, 2024, in Beijing, Prime Minister of the People’s Republic of China, Li Qiang, voiced to President Kais Saied of Tunisia his country’s readiness to translate the historic friendship with Tunisia into new partnership opportunities. This cooperation could happen bilaterally or within different initiatives launched by China.

According to a press release from the Presidency of the Republic, Li Qiang noted that China is committed to continuing development projects in Tunisia and will encourage Chinese establishments to invest in the country and transfer their expertise. He mentioned that China seeks to strengthen trade, boost Tunisian exports to the Chinese market, open a direct airline between the two countries, and attract more Chinese tourists to Tunisia. Furthermore, China plans to maintain cooperation in fields such as the green economy, higher education, health, and youth.

President Kais Saied underscored that Tunisia shares many principles and ideals with China and expressed a desire to boost joint efforts and coordination to explore new cooperation opportunities. He underlined the urgency of launching strategic projects and partnerships in high-priority sectors, including health, rail and air transport, infrastructure, tourism, and sports facilities.

The meeting also addressed the historical friendship and cooperation between Tunisia and China, examining ways to strengthen and diversify these ties to serve the mutual interests of both nations. Both parties expressed satisfaction with the long-standing partnership and their shared determination to sustain and expand their relationship.


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