Ministry of Health offers number of recommendations to combat rising temperatures

The Ministry of Health called for the necessity of taking the required preventive measures by citizens, particularly the elderly, children, infants and pregnant women, to confront increasing temperatures.
The most important recommendations are:

– Make sure to drink water without waiting for the feeling of thirst, while avoiding drinks that contain sugars (soft drinks, artificial juices…)

-Stay in the coolest room in the home

– Make sure to walk in the shade and wear wide hats when going out

– Avoid swimming during times of peak heat between 10 am and 4 pm

The Ministry clarified that signs of heat stroke include headaches in the head, the possibility of vomiting, high body temperature, and muscle spasms, especially in children and the elderly.

The Ministry of Health also advised that citizens who are exposed to sunstroke place the injured person in a cold room, sprinkle him with lukewarm water, place wet wipes on his head and all his limbs, and assist him drink water, in addition to seeing a doctor.

It is noteworthy that the National Institute of Meteorology reporteda record rise in temperatures starting tomorrow, Tuesday, exceeding the normal levels for the month of June by a difference ranging between 7 and 13 degrees.

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