Recent rainfall in the governorate of Jendouba has resulted in the closure of some roads and the isolation of certain areas due to increased wastewater and valley levels, as reported by a source from the Regional Directorate of Civil Protection.
Among the roads closed since yesterday evening, Saturday, until this morning, Sunday, are the ones connecting the town of Fernana and the village of “Ain El Bey” at Wadi Ghazala. Waters swept away a car before civil protection agents intervened to recover it. Additionally, the same road leading to the village of Halima at Wadi Ghazala experienced a rise in water levels, causing disruptions in movements to and from Fernana.
Last night, Saturday, the water level of Wadi Al-Kabir in the Tabarka delegation significantly increased, resulting in two cars getting stranded in the flood. However, civil protection agents in the region were able to free them without any harm to individuals.
Watercourses around the village school of “Al-Qahamis” in the Ghar Dimaou delegation blocked the road, preventing students from returning home. Civil protection agents intervened to secure their return using trucks.
The average amount of rainfall yesterday in the Tabarka, Ain Draham, and Fernana regions exceeded 70 mm, with the highest recorded at the Ain Draham station exceeding 100 mm.
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