Tunisia-Kebili:Medical convoy for early detection of autism spectrum at Douz Hospital

The Tunisian Association of Psychiatry and Adolescent Medicine (STPEA), in collaboration with the Regional Health Administration, organized a medical convoy this morning at the local hospital in Douz to investigate autism spectrum disorder in children between the ages of one and a half and three years, Director of Basic Health Care at the Regional Health Administration Dr Ali Tabbal confirmed to the TAP Agency.


The same source clarified that this medical convoy, which was overseen by a team consisting of four university professors of child psychiatry, targeted 60 children between the ages of 18 and 36 months whose conditions were being diagnosed for the first time and who displayed some signs that might imply that they carry the autism spectrum, such as losing some of the skills they had before or having some communication difficulties or delay in speech, or the child appears as if he has lost hearing, or is inattentive when you point to something to him, or inattention when you speak or try to play with him.

Dr. Tabbal noted that this convoy falls within the framework of the national program prepared by the Ministry of Health for the early detection of autism spectrum disorder in children during vaccination sessions. He underscored that health agents, especially vaccination agents partaking in this campaign, will acquire the skills necessary to conduct the required tests for children during future vaccination sessions. They will furthermore be trained to identify children exhibiting behavioural disorders and refer them to specialists to review their psychological condition. Early detection of autism spectrum disorder will assist in its treatment, and this proactive approach is critical in achieving that goal.


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