Tunisia-Minister of Agriculture Chief of Cabinet : Poultry sector is one of pillars of food security (video)

 Minister of Agriculture Chief of Cabinet Abdul Raouf Al-Ajimi, highlighted the significance of the poultry sector, which is one of the pillars of people’s food security, which requires everyone to draw up strategies to develop it, ease investment in it and organize it to avoid all hardships and obstacles. He noted that these challenges are represented in particular by the fluctuation of fodder prices at the global level and the gravity of some viral diseases and varient being restricted to a few major international companies and smuggling.

On the sidelines of the African Conference held in Hammamet, he emphasised that the conference represents a first step to confronting the invasion and dominance of prominent international companies and developing a set of proposals that will be the starting point for a new era that depends on improving the sector.

He stressed to Tunisie Numérique in Nabeul the importance of sending the confederation to advance the sector via the exchange of experiences and production inputs and opening markets to put pressure on the cost and accomplish integration between African countries.

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