Tunisia-Nabil Ammar emphasises Tunisia’s desire to further develop Korean investments in country

As part of Tunisia’s participation in the First Korea-Africa Summit currently being held currently in Seoul, Mr. Nabil Ammar, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad, met on June 5, 2024, his Korean counterpart, Mr. Cho Tae-Yul, at the Ministry’s headquarters, reads a statement by the foreign ministry.
The two sides welcomed the positive development of Tunisian-Korean relations, praised the continuous efforts to support cooperation at the bilateral and multilateral levels and agreed to further strengthen it. The Minister especially thanked the Republic of Korea for its support to Tunisia during the difficult phase of the covid pandemic.
The Minister also stressed Tunisia’s desire to attract more Korean investments in our country, especially in the sectors of economy, science and technology, automotive components industry, and to strengthen trilateral cooperation, particularly with other countries of the African continent.
The Minister reiterated Tunisia’s firm position in support of the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, the restoration of all their territories and the establishment of a fully sovereign State, with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital. He stressed that the Palestinian people are being subjected to genocide and ethnic cleansing, a situation that the international community must address, adds the same source.

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