Tunisia-Naifer :“Stock of hard currency enables Tunisia to end year comfortably, but…” [Video]

In a statement to Tunisie Numérique, financial and economic analyst Bassam Naifer stated that until last June 14, the volume of hard currency in the Tunisian country had reached 23.2 billion dinars, and this number has preserved stability despite the high rate of debt recovery since the start of the year. .

Naifer added that this amount equals 107 supply days, which is acceptable considering Tunisia’s inability to provide hard currency financing for the budget. He remarked that there is a  substantial  dependence of the national economy on tourism revenues, remittances from Tunisians abroad, and the export sector.


He also noted that these sectors contribute to the compensation accomplished in financing budgets and multilateral funding from the International Monetary Fund and international financial establishments. Pointing out that it is essential to take into account that the size of the supply day changes from one period to another.

The financial and economic analyst also underlined the necessity to focus on the amount of hard currency and compare it with the financial pledges of the Tunisian country, particularly in the short term, as this amount enables Tunisia to end the year comfortably, but it restricts the ability to move at the level of the national economy and finance institutions.

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