Tunisia-School bullying and violence

Content proposed by Académie du Lac

Students who are bullied are more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety, have health problems, see their grades fall, and exhibit behavioural problems in school, including a high dropout rate. The prevalence of violence in schools is high around the world, with few exceptions. Suicidal thoughts and attempts are likewise more common among children who encounter violence at school. Based on international evidence, some studies indicate that there is a range of programs to effectively address violence in and around the school.

The World Bank has made safe and inclusive schools the fourth pillar of its vision for the school of tomorrow, released in December 2020.

Harassment prevention

The best way to stop bullying is to speak frequently with kids. The moments of dialogue such as the listening times in class (TEC) that the Académie du Lac has set in its establishment provide one of the solutions to the phenomenon of harassment.

Indeed, the discussion and dialogue that take place in the group sensitize the participants to the devastating harms and consequences of bullying.

A look at the mechanisms of construction of the group and the presence of assistance in its dynamic functioning can avoid situations of harassment.

During these sessions but likewise afterwards; the perception, responsiveness and involvement of the students are surprisingly spectacular.

Education is solely complete if we teach our children not only reading and writing but even the difference between right and wrong.

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