Nearly half of Tunisian emigrants to Italy work in construction and agriculture

Mohamed Ben Abderrazek

The study on Tunisian migrant workers in Italy, conducted as part of the international project “Promoting Migration Governance” funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), reveals interesting insights into the labor force’s composition and conditions.

The research highlights that Tunisian emigrants in Italy are disproportionately engaged in the agricultural and construction sectors. Specifically, 40% of Tunisian workers in Italy find employment in the industrial sector, primarily attributed to the construction industry, where 22% of Tunisians are employed. Consequently, Tunisian workers face a relatively higher exposure to workplace hazards, particularly in terms of work-related accidents and occupational diseases. Additionally, the “Agriculture, hunting, and fishing” sector attracts 18.2% of Tunisian workers, further contributing to the risks associated with working conditions.

A significant 40.2% of Tunisian employees migrating to Italy are concentrated in the construction and agriculture sectors. Notably, a substantial portion of the Tunisian workforce, approximately 42%, is engaged in specialized manual labour. Conversely, they are underrepresented in the “employees, salespeople, and personal services” category, accounting for only 13% compared to the 30% average among the total immigrant workforce.

Moreover, the study reveals that only 2% of Tunisian workers in Italy hold executive positions, which is three percentage points below the average. It is important to note that a common trend among non-European migrant workers, including Tunisians, is the notable presence of unskilled labourers, with 42% of Tunisians falling into this category, compared to 38% of the entire non-European immigrant population.


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